If you have never had escargots and you swear you will never have any because they are gross, it is very much the same as talking about a book that you refuse to read. You will never know.
You are at a buffet party filling up your plate with all kinds of tempting hors d’oeuvres. You take a bite of that mouth-watering puff pastry mini bite, and you absolutely love it. Little do you know that you just had your first bite of escargot, and little might you ever know, unless someone tells you.
This mollusk is actually quite an interesting delicacy. Depending on its region of origin, whether it is from Burgundy or other areas of France, Spain, or Portugal, it varies in colors and sizes.
With fewer calories and less fat than fish, poultry, and mammalian meat, it could easily be a key element to a well-balanced, lean and cardio vascular diet. It also has a high iron content and an extraordinary amount of magnesium.
Cooked in garlic, butter, parsley, and a little bit of white wine, escargots are delicious, and they can easily fool you. Careful though, some recipes call for copious amounts of butter. Although necessary, the butter should never disguise the taste of the meat. It should be well measured and just right. And if it is, then you will never say again that escargots are gross!
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